Saturday, April 27, 2013

From this window - 4/27/13

It feels as if spring has finally come to the midwest.  The record flooding is going down although with the snow melt up north, we may be in for another round.  The grass is amazingly green and the crab apple outside my craft room window has leaves.  Yesterday I saw a turkey walk up the grass across the street and the small herd of does we see occasionally was in the front yard Thursday.  The wren showed up on Wednesday and today I see a female has joined him.  The bluebirds have been gone for several weeks so it's possible they won't use the house outside my window.  Maybe the house sparrows and wrens will fight over it.  Pound for pound, my money is on the wren; as mean as house sparrows are, the wrens will win the fight.  They're sneakier and faster than house sparrows.

The fish were splashing in the pond on Friday, a sure sign spring is here.  Splashing is a mating behavior.  I noticed when we opened up the pond that there was some tiny fish from last year.  The frogs keep the baby fish from over populating the pond, very few make it through the winter and then the frogs' spring appetites thin what's left.

The oriole hasn't arrive yet.  I always spend the day on the deck when he does; he has the most beautiful song.  It's so pleasant to walk out to get the morning paper and hear all the birds singing.  Ah, love is in the air.

In our neighborhood, the forsythia is blooming, what tulips the deer don't eat are showing color, my Asiatic lilies have broken ground, the violets are blooming, the redbuds have leaves but no blossoms, the sun is now coming up in my craft room window and will keep working itself to the left of the window.  There is nothing so breathtaking as a warm spring morning when life renews itself.

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